Important Linux directories

Where to find stuff

  • / (root) - the top-most directory in the file system hierarchy. It is the starting point for all other directories.
  • /bin - contains essential command-line utilities that are required for the system to boot and function properly.
  • /boot - contains the files required to boot the system, including the Linux kernel, bootloader files, and system map.
  • /dev - contains device files, which represent devices such as printers, terminals, and disk drives.
  • /etc - contains configuration files for the system and installed applications.
  • /home - the location for user home directories, where each user has their own directory for storing personal files.
  • /lib - contains shared libraries required by executables in the /bin and /sbin directories.
  • /media - typically used to mount removable media such as USB drives and CD-ROMs.
  • /mnt - typically used to mount filesystems temporarily, such as when mounting a remote filesystem over the network.
  • /opt - reserved for the installation of optional software packages.
  • /proc - a virtual filesystem that contains information about the system's processes, memory, and other hardware components.
  • /root - the home directory for the root user, which is the superuser account with full privileges on the system.
  • /sbin - contains system executables that are used for system maintenance and recovery.
  • /srv - reserved for storing data for services provided by the system, such as web server data or FTP server data.
  • /sys - a virtual filesystem that contains information about the system's hardware and devices.
  • /tmp - a location for temporary files that are created by the system or applications.
  • /usr - contains user programs, libraries, and documentation. It is intended to be shared among multiple users on the system.
  • /var - contains files that are expected to change during the lifetime of the system, such as log files and temporary files.
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