/srv Directory: Explanation & Insights

Stores data that is served by the system

In Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the /srv directory is used to store data that is served by the system. This directory is not used by the system itself, but rather it is intended for use by system administrators to store data that is served by the system.

The /srv directory is similar to the /var directory, which is used to store data that is modified during the operation of the system. However, the /srv directory is specifically intended for data that is served by the system, such as web pages, FTP files, and other data that is made available to clients over a network.

The /srv directory is not a required part of the Unix file system, but it is recommended by the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) as a location for storing data that is served by the system. This allows system administrators to have a central location for storing and managing served data, and makes it easier to find and access served data on the system.

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