/lib Directory: Explanation & Insights

Shared libraries and kernel modules

In the Linux operating system, the /lib directory (short for "library") is a special directory that contains shared libraries and kernel modules.

Shared libraries are collections of code that can be used by multiple programs at the same time. They are called "shared" because the same library file can be used by multiple programs, rather than each program having its own copy of the code. Shared libraries are typically stored in the /lib directory or in one of its subdirectories.

Kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the Linux kernel at runtime. They are used to add support for new hardware or to extend the functionality of the kernel. Kernel modules are typically stored in the /lib/modules directory.

In addition to shared libraries and kernel modules, the /lib directory may also contain other files that are required by the system or by programs installed on the system. These can include configuration files, scripts, and other resources that are needed to support the system and its programs.

The /lib directory is a standard part of most Linux file systems and is typically located on the same partition as the root directory (/). It is an important part of the system, as many programs and system components rely on the libraries and modules stored in this directory to function properly.

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