/sys Directory: Explanation & Insights

Information about the hardware of the system

In Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, the /sys directory is a virtual filesystem that provides a view of the system's hardware. It is a part of the sysfs filesystem, which is a virtual filesystem that exports information about the system's devices, drivers, and other hardware-related details.

The /sys directory contains a hierarchy of files and directories that represent the various devices and drivers in the system. These files and directories are created and managed by the kernel, and they provide a way for the kernel to export information about the system's hardware to user space programs.

The /sys directory is a virtual filesystem, which means that the files and directories it contains do not correspond to actual physical files and directories on disk. Instead, they are created and maintained by the kernel in memory, and they provide a way for user space programs to access and interact with the system's hardware.

Some examples of the types of information that can be found in the /sys directory include details about the system's CPU, memory, and other hardware components, as well as information about the devices and drivers that are loaded on the system. The /sys directory is a useful resource for system administrators and developers who need to understand the hardware and drivers on a system.

CleverUptime uses some files in the /sys directory to detect hardware info such as the manufacturer.

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