/home Directory: Explanation & Insights

Where personal files are stored

In the Linux operating system, the /home directory is the location where users' personal files are stored. Each user on the system has their own subdirectory within /home, which is usually named after the user's login name.

For example, if the login name of a user is "jane", then their home directory would be /home/jane. This is where Jane would store her personal files, such as documents, photos, and music.

The /home directory is also where users' configuration files and settings are stored. These files, which typically have names that begin with a period (.), are used to customize the behavior of various programs and the system as a whole.

By default, the /home directory is only accessible to the user who owns it and the system administrator. This helps to protect the privacy of users' personal files and settings.

The /home directory is a standard part of most Linux file systems and is typically located on the same partition as the root directory (/). However, it is also possible to store the /home directory on a separate partition or even on a different physical disk. This can be useful for separating users' files from the rest of the system, which can make it easier to back up or restore the files.

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