Important Linux applications

Things you can run on a Linux server or VM

The specific applications that are important on a Linux server will depend on the specific goals and needs of the server. Here is a list of common applications that might be used on a Linux server:

  • Ansible - A configuration management tool that is used to automate the deployment and configuration of servers and applications.
  • Apache - A web server that is used to host websites and web applications.
  • Apache Tomcat - A Java servlet container that is used to host Java web applications.
  • Bind - A DNS server that is often used on Linux servers.
  • Cacti - A network monitoring and graphing tool that is used to monitor the performance and availability of servers and network devices.
  • Cassandra - A distributed NoSQL database management system that is used to store and retrieve data for applications.
  • Consul - A distributed service discovery and configuration tool that is used to manage the infrastructure and services of an application.
  • Cron - A scheduling utility that is used to execute commands or scripts at a specified time or interval.
  • Docker - A containerization platform that is used to deploy and run applications in isolated environments.
  • Dovecot - An IMAP server.
  • Drupal - A CMS that is used to create and manage websites and web applications.
  • Elasticsearch - A distributed search and analytics engine that is used to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data.
  • Exim - An Email server.
  • fetchmail - Getting email from external sources.
  • fail2ban - A security tool that is used to block malicious login attempts by banning the IP address of the offender for a specified amount of time.
  • GlusterFS - A distributed file system that is used to store and manage data across multiple servers.
  • Grafana - A data visualization and monitoring platform that is used to create dashboards and charts to display time series data.
  • Graylog - A log management and analysis platform that is used to collect, store, and analyze log data from various sources.
  • Hadoop - A distributed computing platform that is used to process large amounts of data.
  • HAProxy - A high-availability load balancer that is used to distribute incoming requests across multiple servers.
  • Icinga - An open-source network monitoring tool that is used to monitor the performance and availability of servers and network devices.
  • InfluxDB - A time series database that is used to store and query data that is collected over time.
  • Jenkins - A continuous integration and delivery platform that is used to build, test, and deploy software projects.
  • Joomla - A content management system (CMS) that is used to create and manage websites and web applications.
  • LVM - The Logical Volume Manager utility that is used to manage disk volumes on a Linux system.
  • Kafka - A distributed streaming platform that is used to process and transmit large amounts of data in real-time.
  • Kibana - A data visualization and exploration tool that is used to search, analyze, and visualize data stored in an Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Kubernetes - A container orchestration platform that is used to manage and deploy containerized applications at scale.
  • Logstash - A log management and analysis tool that is used to collect, parse, and store log data from various sources.
  • MariaDB or MySQL - A database management system that is used to store and retrieve data for applications.
  • MediaWiki - A CMS that is used to create and manage wikis.
  • Memcached - An in-memory cache that is used to improve the performance of web applications by storing frequently accessed data in memory.
  • MongoDB - A NoSQL database management system that is used to store and retrieve data for applications.
  • Nagios - A network monitoring tool that is used to monitor the performance and availability of servers and network devices.
  • Nginx - Another popular web server that is often used as a reverse proxy or load balancer.
  • Node-RED - A programming tool that is used to create and deploy IoT applications.
  • NTP - The Network Time Protocol daemon that is used to synchronize the clock on a Linux server with a reference time source.
  • OpenLDAP - An open-source Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server that is used to store and manage user and group information.
  • OpenVPN - A virtual private network (VPN) server that is used to securely connect remote users to a network.
  • OwnCloud - A file sharing and collaboration platform that can be installed on a Linux server.
  • Postfix - An email server that is used to send and receive emails.
  • PostgreSQL - An open-source database management system that is used to store and retrieve data for applications.
  • Proftpd - An FTP server that is used to transfer files over the network.
  • Puppet - A configuration management tool that is used to automate the deployment and configuration of servers and applications.
  • RabbitMQ - A message broker that is used to transmit messages between applications or systems.
  • Redis - An in-memory data store that is used to cache data and improve performance in web applications.
  • Rsyslog - A system logging daemon that is used to collect and store log messages from various sources.
  • Samba - A utility that allows a Linux server to share files with Windows clients.
  • Solr - An open-source search platform that is used to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data.
  • SpamAssassin - A tool that is used to detect and filter spam emails on a Linux server.
  • Spark - A distributed data processing platform that is used to analyze and transform large datasets.
  • Squid - A web proxy server that is used to cache web content and improve performance.
  • Terraform - A tool that is used to manage and provision infrastructure resources, such as servers and networking equipment.
  • Varnish - A caching server for HTTP.
  • vsftpd - A lightweight, secure FTP server that is used to transfer files over the network.
  • WireGuard - A VPN for secure point-to-point connections.
  • WordPress - Another popular CMS that is used to create and manage websites and blogs.
  • Zabbix - A network monitoring tool that is used to monitor the performance and availability of servers and network devices.
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