Rsyslog: Tutorial & Best Practices

The Reliable System Logger

Rsyslog is your trusty sidekick for logging on a Linux server. It's a rocket-fast system that manages and stores log messages from various sources, ensuring you can debug and monitor your system like a pro. This guide will walk you through what Rsyslog does, how to install it, and best practices for setup and configuration.

What is Rsyslog?

Rsyslog stands for "Reliable System Logger Daemon," and it's a vital part of your server's logging infrastructure. It collects log messages from the Kernel, shell, and various applications, then processes and stores them in log files. These logs are essential for troubleshooting issues like network failure and monitoring system performance.

Here’s why Rsyslog is important:

  • Centralized Logging: Rsyslog can gather logs from multiple sources and store them in one place.
  • Log File Rotation: It can manage log file sizes and rotate logs to prevent them from consuming too much disk space.
  • Remote Logging: You can configure Rsyslog to send logs to a remote server, useful for distributed systems.
  • Customizable: You can fine-tune log formats, filtering, and destinations to suit your needs.

Installing Rsyslog

Rsyslog is typically installed by default on most Linux distributions. If it’s not installed, here’s how you can do it:

On Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rsyslog

On Red Hat-based systems (like CentOS):

sudo yum update
sudo yum install rsyslog

Once installed, you can start the Rsyslog service:

sudo systemctl start rsyslog
sudo systemctl enable rsyslog

Configuration Basics

Rsyslog is configured via the /etc directory, specifically the /etc/rsyslog.conf file. Here's a basic setup to get you started:

  1. Open the configuration file: sudo nano /etc/rsyslog.conf

  2. Basic log file settings: Rsyslog organizes logs into different facilities (like auth, cron, or mail). A common setup might include:

    auth,authpriv.*         /var/log/auth.log
    *.*;auth,authpriv.none  /var/log/syslog
    cron.*                  /var/log/cron.log
  3. Restart Rsyslog: After making changes, restart the service:

    sudo systemctl restart rsyslog

Best Practices

To get the most out of Rsyslog, follow these best practices:

  • Log Rotation: Ensure logs are rotated to prevent disk space issues. This can be configured in the /etc/logrotate.conf file.

  • Remote Logging: Forward logs to a remote server for centralized logging. Add a line like this to your configuration file:

    *.* @remote-server-ip:514
  • Filter Unnecessary Logs: To avoid clutter, filter out unnecessary logs. For example, to ignore debug messages, add:

    *.=debug     ~
  • Secure Logs: Use secure protocols when forwarding logs to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Rsyslog Not Starting

If Rsyslog isn’t starting, check the status with:

sudo systemctl status rsyslog

Look for errors and check the log file for more details:

sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog

Log Files Not Updating

Ensure the configuration file is correct and the service is running. Also, check file permissions in the /var/log directory.

High Load

If Rsyslog is causing high load, consider adjusting the logging level or filtering out verbose logs. You can also configure it to use a disk queue to buffer logs when the system is under heavy load.


Rsyslog is an incredibly powerful tool for managing your logs. With this guide, you should be well on your way to setting it up and using it effectively. Remember, logs are your best friend when it comes to maintaining a healthy and secure server.

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