Network Issues: Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

When your server does not talk to the internet

Are you experiencing network connectivity problems on your Linux server? Don't worry, you're not alone! Network issues can occur for various reasons, from misconfigurations to hardware failures. In this guide, we'll explore some common network problems you might encounter on a Linux server, understand why they happen, learn how to diagnose them, and discover troubleshooting techniques to get your server back online.

No Internet Connection


Your Linux server is unable to establish an internet connection. You can't access external websites or services.

Why it happens:

This problem can be caused by a variety of factors. It might be due to incorrect network configuration settings, a malfunctioning network interface, a misconfigured firewall, or a lack of DNS resolution.


To diagnose the issue, start by checking if your server has a valid IP address assigned. Use the command ip addr show to display network interface information. Verify that the interface you're using (e.g., eth0) has an assigned IP address.

Next, check if your server can reach the gateway by using the ping command. For example: ping If you receive responses, it means the network connectivity within your local network is functional, but there might be a problem with your gateway or the route to the internet.

Also, ensure that your DNS settings are correct. Check the /etc/resolv.conf file to see if it contains valid DNS server addresses.


  • Restart your networking service using systemctl restart networking.
  • Verify your gateway's connectivity and ensure it is properly configured.
  • Check your firewall rules to ensure they aren't blocking outgoing connections.
  • Test DNS resolution using the nslookup or dig commands.

Slow Network Performance


Your Linux server's network performance is noticeably slow. File transfers, website loading times, or remote connections are taking longer than expected.

Why it happens:

Slow network performance can have multiple causes. It could be due to network congestion, hardware limitations, misconfigured network settings, or even issues with the server's underlying infrastructure.


To diagnose the issue, start by checking the overall network load on your server. Use tools like top or htop to monitor system resources and identify any processes consuming excessive network bandwidth.

Perform network speed tests between your server and other devices on the same network to determine if the issue is specific to your server or the entire network.


  • Identify any resource-intensive applications or processes and consider optimizing or limiting their network usage.
  • Check for hardware issues, such as faulty network cables or network interface cards (NICs).
  • Review your server's network configuration, including interface settings, MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit), and network congestion control algorithms.
  • If the slow performance is specific to a particular service (e.g., web server), investigate application-level optimizations.

DNS Resolution Issues


Your Linux server is unable to resolve domain names to IP addresses. This can prevent accessing websites or services by their domain names.

Why it happens:

DNS resolution issues can occur due to misconfigured DNS settings, DNS server unavailability, or problems with the local DNS resolver on your server.


Begin by checking the /etc/resolv.conf file to ensure it contains the correct DNS server addresses. You can use the cat command to view the file contents: cat /etc/resolv.conf.

Next, try pinging a domain name (e.g., ping to see if your server can resolve it to an IP address. If you receive a "Name or service not known" error, there is likely an issue with DNS resolution.


  • Verify that your DNS server settings are correct in the /etc/resolv.conf file.
  • Test DNS resolution using the nslookup or dig commands.
  • Try using different DNS servers, such as public DNS servers like Google DNS ( or Cloudflare DNS (
  • Restart your DNS resolver service, which could be systemd-resolved, dnsmasq, or named, depending on your setup.

Firewall Blocking Connections


Your Linux server is not receiving incoming network connections. Services like web servers or SSH are inaccessible from external devices.

Why it happens:

A firewall might be blocking the required incoming network connections. This is a security measure that prevents unauthorized access to your server.


Check if a firewall is running on your server. You can use the iptables command to view the firewall rules: iptables -L.

Ensure that the necessary ports for your services (e.g., port 80 for HTTP or port 22 for SSH) are open and allowed in the firewall configuration.


  • Adjust your firewall rules to allow incoming connections on the required ports.
  • If you're using a firewall management tool like ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall), verify and update the rules using its commands.
  • Temporarily disable the firewall for testing purposes using iptables -F (flush all rules) or ufw disable.

Remember, network issues can have diverse causes, and troubleshooting steps may vary depending on your specific setup and requirements. The commands and techniques provided here are a starting point to help you diagnose and resolve common network problems on your Linux server.

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