Memcached: Tutorial & Best Practices

A distributed memory caching system

What is Memcached?

Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system. It's used to cache database queries, API calls, and other time-consuming processes to speed up web applications. Think of it as a short-term memory for your server, where frequently accessed data can be stored and retrieved quickly.

Why Use Memcached?

Memcached is crucial for enhancing the performance of your web applications. By storing data in memory, it reduces the load on your database and speeds up response times. This is especially important for high-traffic websites where delays can frustrate users and impact your bottom line.

How to Install Memcached

Installing Memcached is straightforward. Here's how you can do it on a Debian-based system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install memcached

On a Red Hat-based system, use:

sudo yum update
sudo yum install memcached

Make sure Memcached is running by checking its status:

sudo systemctl status memcached

Configuring Memcached

The main configuration file for Memcached is usually located in /etc/memcached.conf. Here are some key settings you might want to tweak:

  • Memory Allocation: Define how much memory Memcached can use. For example, to allocate 64MB, set -m 64.
  • Connection Limit: Set the maximum number of connections with -c 1024.
  • Port: The default port is 11211, but you can change it with -p.

Here's an example configuration:

-m 64
-c 1024
-p 11211

After making changes, restart Memcached to apply them:

sudo systemctl restart memcached

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

High Memory Usage

If Memcached is consuming too much memory, you might need to adjust the memory allocation in the configuration file. Check your current settings and reduce the -m value if necessary.

Connection Refused

If you encounter a "Connection Refused" error, ensure that Memcached is running and listening on the correct port. Use:

sudo netstat -plunt | grep memcached

Performance Lag

If your application is still lagging, verify that Memcached is effectively caching your data. Use tools like telnet to interact with Memcached and check the cache hit rate.

telnet localhost 11211

Best Practices


Memcached does not have built-in authentication. It's crucial to restrict access to trusted clients only. You can bind Memcached to localhost or a specific IP address using the -l flag in the configuration file.



Regularly monitor Memcached to ensure it's performing optimally. Tools like memcached-tool can provide valuable insights.

echo "stats settings" | nc localhost 11211

Data Expiry

Set appropriate expiry times for your cached data to avoid consuming memory with stale data. Use the expires parameter when setting a cache entry.

Example Usage

Here's a simple example of how you might use Memcached with a Python application:

import memcache
mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)

# Setting a value
mc.set("key", "value", time=60)

# Getting a value
value = mc.get("key")

With this setup, your Python application will store and retrieve data from Memcached, significantly speeding up your response times.


Memcached is a powerful tool for optimizing your web applications. By caching frequently accessed data, you can reduce load times and improve user experience. Follow these best practices and troubleshooting tips to get the most out of Memcached.

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