Postfix: Tutorial & Best Practices

Postfix is a powerful and flexible Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) used on Linux servers to route and deliver emails. It's known for its robustness, simplicity, and security. If you’re planning to set up an email server, Postfix is a solid choice.

What is Postfix?

Postfix is an open-source Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) that routes and delivers email. Developed as a secure alternative to Sendmail, Postfix handles the tasks of receiving, forwarding, and sending emails. Whether you need it for a personal project or a corporate server, Postfix gets the job done efficiently.

Key Features

  • Security: Built with a focus on minimizing the damage that can occur from network failures or exploits.
  • Performance: Efficiently handles large volumes of email with minimal resource usage.
  • Flexibility: Supports numerous configurations to meet specific needs.

Installing Postfix

Postfix might not be installed by default on your Linux distribution. Here's how you can get it up and running.

On Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postfix


sudo yum install postfix

Initial Configuration

During installation, you’ll be prompted to choose a configuration type. For most beginners, "Internet Site" is the simplest option. You’ll also be asked to provide a system mail name. This should be your domain name (e.g.,

Configuring Postfix

Postfix uses configuration files located in the /etc/postfix directory. The main configuration file is Here’s a basic setup to get you started:

Basic Configuration

Edit the file:

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

Add or modify the following lines:

myhostname =
mydomain =
myorigin = $mydomain
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
relay_domains = $mydestination

Save and close the file, then restart Postfix:

sudo systemctl restart postfix

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Mail Queued but Not Delivered

Check the mail queue for any stuck emails:

sudo postfix flush
sudo postqueue -p

High Load on the Server

If your server is experiencing high load, consider limiting the number of simultaneous connections Postfix can handle. Edit the file:

default_process_limit = 50

Restart Postfix:

sudo systemctl restart postfix

Best Practices

Secure Your Server

  • Use TLS: Enable TLS to encrypt email communications. Edit the file:


    Restart Postfix:

    sudo systemctl restart postfix
  • Restrict Relaying: Ensure your server isn’t an open relay by setting smtpd_recipient_restrictions:

    smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination

Monitor Logs

Keep an eye on the logs in /var/log/mail.log to catch issues early:

tail -f /var/log/mail.log


Postfix is a reliable and flexible choice for managing email on a Linux server. By understanding its capabilities and following best practices, you can set up a secure and efficient email server. Whether you're a novice or an experienced sysadmin, Postfix will meet your needs.

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