Important Linux files

Where you can find performance metrics and configuration settings

On Linux systems, there are several important files that contain performance metrics and configurations. Some of these files include:

  • /dev/null - a place where to get rid of data
  • /dev/random - a place where to get high quality random data
  • /dev/tty0 - a file representing the current terminal
  • /dev/urandom - a place where to get lower quality random data

Here are some important files in the /etc directory:

Here are some important files in the /proc directory:

  • /proc/cpuinfo - contains information about the processor, including its type, speed, and available features
  • /proc/devices - lists the device files in the /dev directory and their corresponding major and minor device numbers
  • /proc/filesystems - lists the filesystem types supported by the kernel
  • /proc/kcore - a copy of the kernel's physical memory
  • /proc/kmsg - contains kernel messages
  • /proc/loadavg - contains the load average of the system over the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes
  • /proc/meminfo - contains information about system memory, including total, free, and used memory
  • /proc/self - a symbolic link to the directory corresponding to the current process
  • /proc/stat - contains various statistics about system activity, including the number of processes, context switches, and interrupts
  • /proc/sys - contains various system parameters that can be modified using sysctl
  • /proc/sysrq-trigger - a file that can be used to perform emergency actions when the system is in a critical state
  • /proc/uptime - contains the uptime of the system in seconds

It is important for a Linux administrator to be familiar with these and other configuration files, as they contain important information about the system and its settings.

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