partprobe Command: Tutorial & Examples

Re-read the partition table

When you deal with storage devices such as hard drives or solid-state drives, managing partitions is a crucial task. Partitions are sections on a storage device that divide it into separate logical units. Linux provides a powerful command called partprobe that plays a vital role in the management of partitions.

The partprobe command is used to inform the operating system about any changes in the partition table of a storage device without requiring a system reboot. This means that when you create, delete, or modify partitions on a disk, partprobe can be used to update the system and make it aware of the changes immediately. This is especially useful when working on remote servers or virtual machines (VMs) where rebooting the system to apply partition changes might not be feasible.

How does partprobe work?

When you create, delete, or modify partitions on a storage device, the partition table needs to be updated to reflect those changes accurately. The Linux kernel, which is the core of the operating system, maintains this partition table in memory. Normally, the kernel detects these changes automatically, but sometimes it may not recognize new or modified partitions until you perform some action.

This is where partprobe comes to the rescue. It sends a signal to the kernel to re-read the partition table of the specified device, allowing the kernel to detect any changes. After partprobe has been executed, the system will be aware of the new or updated partitions, and you can immediately start using them without rebooting the entire system.

What is partprobe used for?

The primary use of partprobe is to notify the kernel about changes made to the partition table. This can include the following scenarios:

  • Creating a new partition: After creating a new partition, you can run partprobe to let the kernel know about it.

  • Resizing a partition: If you resize a partition and want the system to recognize the new size without rebooting, partprobe can help.

  • Deleting a partition: When a partition is deleted, you can use partprobe to inform the kernel of this change.

Why is partprobe important?

partprobe is important because it minimizes downtime during critical server operations. In environments where uptime is essential, the ability to update the partition table without a reboot can save time and resources. This is particularly significant for remote servers and VMs, where frequent reboots are not practical.

Common command line parameters

The partprobe command does not have many options, but understanding the primary usage is crucial. The basic usage is:

partprobe [options] [device]
  • device: The specific device you want to notify the kernel about, such as /dev/sdb.

Examples of using partprobe

1. Basic usage

To use partprobe, you typically specify the device you want to update. For example, to update partitions on /dev/sdb, you can run:

sudo partprobe /dev/sdb

2. Using with sudo

Since updating partition information requires administrative privileges, you'll likely use sudo with partprobe:

sudo partprobe /dev/sdc

3. Automating with udev

udev is a Linux subsystem responsible for device handling, including handling device changes. If you're automating partition management, you can use udev rules to trigger partprobe automatically whenever a partition change occurs. The rule would look something like this:

ACTION=="change", KERNEL=="sdb*", RUN+="/sbin/partprobe /dev/%k"

This rule will automatically execute partprobe on any device starting with "sdb" when a change is detected.

4. Checking the partition table

After running partprobe, you can verify that the kernel has recognized the changes by using the lsblk command:


This command will list all block devices and their partitions, allowing you to confirm the newly created or modified partitions.

Potential problems and pitfalls

While partprobe is a useful command, several issues can arise:

  • Kernel not recognizing changes: Sometimes, even after running partprobe, the kernel may still not recognize the changes. This can happen due to potential bugs or issues with the specific kernel version.

  • Data loss: Incorrectly modifying partitions and immediately using partprobe can lead to data loss if the changes are not carefully managed.

  • Running partprobe too often: Frequent calls to partprobe in high-load environments could lead to performance degradation.

Common errors and troubleshooting

If you encounter issues with partprobe, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • Check device name: Ensure that the device name you specified exists and is correct.

  • Look for error messages: Run partprobe to see if it returns any error messages indicating a problem with the partition table.

  • Check kernel logs: Use the command dmesg to view kernel logs for any messages related to partition changes.

  • Confirm partition changes: You can also use the fdisk -l command to list the current partitions and confirm whether the changes were applied.

Performance considerations

Using partprobe is generally efficient, but it is essential to be aware of potential performance implications in specific scenarios, especially in high-load environments. Frequent updates to the partition table might cause temporary performance degradation, so it's advisable to use this command judiciously.

Security considerations

When using partprobe, ensure that it is only executed by users with appropriate permissions. Unauthorized access to partition management can lead to unintentional data loss or system instability. Implementing proper user roles and permissions can help mitigate these risks.

See also

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