sudo Command: Tutorial & Examples
Execute a command as root
is a command-line utility that allows users to execute commands with superuser (or "root") privileges. It is commonly used on Unix-like operating systems, including Linux
and macOS.
The sudo
command stands for "superuser do," and it is used to execute a command as the root user or another user with superuser privileges. This can be useful when you need to
perform tasks that require elevated privileges, such as installing software or modifying system files.
Here's the basic syntax for using sudo:
sudo command
For example, to use apt-get
to install a package as the root user, you would use the following command:
sudo apt-get install package_name
When you run a command with sudo
, you may be prompted to enter your password. This is because sudo requires that you authenticate yourself before it allows you to execute a
command with superuser privileges.
Depending on your Linux distribution you may need to install sudo
before you can use it.
By default, sudo
allows users in the sudo group to execute commands with superuser privileges. The /etc/sudoers
file controls which users are allowed to use sudo
and what
commands they are allowed to run. You can edit this file using the visudo
command to configure sudo
access for different users or groups.
To add a user myuser
to the sudo
group you can run the command:
adduser myuser sudo
It's important to use sudo
responsibly and only execute commands that you understand and know are safe. Using sudo
improperly can cause serious problems with your system, so
it's a good idea to be cautious when using it.
Further Reading
- Linux for Hackers by Mark Reed
- How Linux Works by Brian Ward
- Linux for Beginners by Jason Cannon
- Expert Linux Administration Guide by Vishal Rai