etc-update Command: Tutorial & Examples

The etc-update command is a utility in Gentoo Linux used to manage configuration file updates. When you update or install new software, configuration files in the system's /etc directory often need to be updated. Instead of overwriting these files automatically, which might result in the loss of custom settings, etc-update helps merge changes safely.

How It Works

When you run etc-update, it scans for modified configuration files in the /etc directory. It then provides you with options to:

  1. Replace the existing configuration file with the new one.
  2. Discard the new changes.
  3. Interactively merge the changes.

The tool uses a text-based interface to guide you through the process. By comparing the old and new files, you can make informed decisions about what to keep and what to discard.

What It Is Used For

etc-update is primarily used for:

  • Updating configuration files in a controlled manner.
  • Preserving custom settings while incorporating new updates.
  • Avoiding potential conflicts and issues that can arise from automatic overwriting.

Why It Is Important

Updating configuration files is a critical task, especially on a server. Incorrect updates can lead to network issues, service downtime, or even a kernel panic. etc-update provides a safe and efficient way to manage these updates, ensuring the system remains stable and functional.

How to Use It and Common Command Line Parameters

To use etc-update, simply execute the command in your shell:


Here are some common parameters you might use with etc-update:

  • --automode: Automatically merge changes where possible without user interaction.
  • --help: Display help information about the command.


  1. Basic Usage:


    This will scan for configuration file updates and present you with options to manage them.

  2. Automatic Mode:

    etc-update --automode

    This will attempt to merge changes automatically where possible. Use this with caution, as it might overwrite custom settings.

Typical Output

When you run etc-update, you might see output similar to this:

Scanning Configuration files...
The following is the list of files which need updating, each configuration file is followed by a list of possible replacement files.
1) /etc/ssh/sshd_config
2) /etc/fstab

Please select a file to edit by entering the corresponding number.
(don't use -3 or -5 if you're unsure what to do)

Potential Problems and Pitfalls

Common Problems

  • Overwriting Custom Settings: If not used carefully, etc-update can overwrite custom configurations, leading to network issues or service disruptions.
  • Conflicts: Sometimes, merging configuration files can lead to conflicts that need to be resolved manually.

What Can Go Wrong

  • Incorrect Merges: Automatic merging might not always produce the desired result. Always review changes before applying them.
  • Neglecting Updates: Ignoring configuration file updates can leave your system vulnerable or misconfigured.

Example Problems Solved

  • Network Configuration: Updating network settings without losing custom configurations.
  • Service Configuration: Safely integrating new configuration options for services like SSH, Apache, and others.


The etc-update command is a crucial tool for managing configuration file updates on Gentoo Linux. By using it, you can ensure that your system remains stable and well-configured without losing important custom settings. Always review changes carefully and use automatic modes with caution to avoid potential issues.

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