apt Command: Tutorial & Examples

Install, remove, and manage software packages

The apt command is a powerful package management tool used to install, remove, and manage software packages on Debian-based Linux distributions such as Ubuntu. It stands for "Advanced Package Tool" and serves as a front-end to the dpkg package manager, streamlining the process of handling software on your system.

How apt works

The apt command interacts with repositories defined in the /etc/apt/sources.list file and its corresponding directories. When you execute commands like apt update, it fetches the latest package lists from these repositories, allowing apt to manage installations and upgrades. It uses dpkg under the hood to handle the actual package installation and removal process.

What apt does

apt is designed for the management of software packages. It allows users to:

  • Install new software packages.
  • Remove installed software.
  • Upgrade existing packages.
  • Resolve and manage dependencies automatically.
  • Search for packages in configured repositories.

Why apt is important

The apt command simplifies the process of managing software on Debian-based systems. It provides a user-friendly interface to handle package installations, updates, and removals, ensuring that dependencies are resolved efficiently. This is particularly crucial for server environments, where reliability and security are paramount.

How to use apt

To use apt, start by updating the package manager's list of available packages with the command apt update. This command retrieves a list of packages and their versions from the repositories specified in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Once the package list is updated, you can install a new package with the command apt install package_name. For example, to install the emacs text editor, run:

apt install emacs

You can install multiple packages simultaneously by separating their names with a space:

apt install emacs htop

To remove a package, use apt remove package_name, which will remove the package but retain its configuration files. To completely remove a package, including its configuration files, use the apt purge command:

apt purge package_name

In addition to these basic commands, apt offers several other options and subcommands. For instance, you can search for a package by name using apt search, display information about a package with apt show, and list outdated packages using apt list --upgradable. To view a full list of options, run apt --help or man apt in the terminal.

Common command line parameters

The apt command supports several parameters that enhance its functionality. Here are some commonly used ones:

  • -y: Automatically answer "yes" to prompts, allowing the command to run without user intervention.

    apt install -y emacs
  • --no-install-recommends: Prevents the installation of recommended packages.

    apt install --no-install-recommends emacs
  • -f: Fix broken dependencies.

    apt install -f
  • --reinstall: Reinstalls a package even if it is already installed.

    apt install --reinstall emacs
  • --assume-yes: Automatically assume "yes" to all prompts.

    apt upgrade --assume-yes
  • --dry-run: Simulate the command without making any changes, useful for testing.

    apt upgrade --dry-run

APT pinning

APT pinning is a feature that allows you to specify preferences for where to install packages from, particularly useful when you want to install packages from specific repositories or prevent packages from being installed from certain repositories.

For example, to install packages from the unstable repository in Debian and Ubuntu, you can do the following:

  1. Add the unstable repository to your APT sources list by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list file and adding a line for the unstable repository, such as:

    deb http://deb.debian.org/debian unstable main
  2. Create a file in the /etc/apt/preferences.d/ directory to specify your pinning preferences. Create a file called unstable.pref with the following content:

    Package: *
    Pin: release a=unstable
    Pin-Priority: 500

    This configuration sets the unstable repository as a preference for installing packages, allowing fallback to other repositories.

  3. Update your package list and install the desired package:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -t unstable package-name

Replace package-name with the name of the package you want to install. Be cautious when installing packages from the unstable repository, as they may contain bugs or issues.

Common errors and troubleshooting

When using the apt command, users may encounter common errors. Here are some troubleshooting steps with examples:

  • "E: Unable to locate package": This error occurs when the package you are trying to install does not exist in the repositories. Ensure you have updated the package lists with apt update, and you can check the repository for the package:

    apt search package_name
  • "E: Could not open lock file": This indicates that another process is using the package manager. Ensure that no other instances of apt or dpkg are running.

  • "Broken packages": If you encounter issues with broken packages, try running:

    sudo apt --fix-broken install

This command attempts to fix broken dependencies. You can also check the status of installed packages with:

    apt list --installed
  • "E: Repository not found": This error may occur if a repository in your sources list is no longer available. Check your /etc/apt/sources.list file and remove or comment out any outdated entries.

  • "E: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state": This error indicates that the package manager is unable to correct the package state. You may need to forcibly remove the package:

    sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq package_name
  • "E: Unable to lock directory": This typically occurs when another installation process is running. Ensure no other package management commands are in execution.

  • "E: Could not resolve 'repository-name'": This indicates a DNS issue. Ensure your network connection is active and your DNS settings are correct.

Security considerations

When using apt, it is crucial to consider security implications. Always ensure that your repositories are trustworthy. Installing packages from unverified sources can lead to security vulnerabilities. Regularly running the following commands is recommended to keep your system updated:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade

You may also want to check for security updates specifically:

    sudo apt-get upgrade --only-upgrade

Additionally, consider using the apt-key command to manage repository signing keys, ensuring that only trusted packages are installed. Be mindful of the potential risks of adding third-party repositories, and regularly review your sources list for any outdated or untrusted entries.

Automation and scheduling

To automate package updates, you can use the cron service to schedule regular updates. For example, to run apt update and apt upgrade daily, you can add a cron job:

  1. Open the crontab editor:

    crontab -e
  2. Add the following lines to run the update and upgrade every day at 2 AM:

    0 2 * * * /usr/bin/apt update && /usr/bin/apt upgrade -y

This ensures your system stays up to date without manual intervention.

Performance considerations

When managing a server, it's essential to consider the performance impact of installing and updating packages. Regularly updating your system can help mitigate security vulnerabilities, but it can also temporarily consume system resources. Consider scheduling updates during off-peak hours to minimize disruption.

Additionally, monitor the system load using commands like top or htop during and after updates to ensure that package management operations do not adversely affect server performance.

Real-world use cases

The apt command is widely used in various scenarios, including:

  • Server management: Installing and updating web servers like apache2 or nginx.
  • Development environments: Setting up environments with programming languages and libraries, such as Python or Node.js.
  • Container management: When working with containerized applications, you may need to install dependencies within containers.
  • Security hardening: Regularly updating installed packages to address vulnerabilities.


Here is a quick reference for some commonly used apt commands:

apt update                # Update package list
apt upgrade               # Upgrade all installed packages
apt install package_name   # Install a package
apt remove package_name    # Remove a package
apt purge package_name     # Remove a package and its config files
apt search package_name    # Search for a package
apt show package_name      # Show information about a package
apt list --upgradable      # List upgradable packages
apt autoremove             # Remove unused packages
apt list --installed       # List installed packages
apt-cache policy package_name  # Check the installation candidate and source

See also

Further Reading

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