zypper Command: Tutorial & Examples

Install, remove, and manage software packages on openSUSE-based systems

zypper is a command-line package manager for the Linux operating system, specifically for the openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions. It is similar to other package managers like apt and yum, but is specific to the SUSE ecosystem.

The zypper command is used to manage and update packages on a SUSE Linux system. Some common uses of zypper include:

  • Installing new packages: zypper install package_name
  • Removing packages: zypper remove package_name
  • Updating packages: zypper update
  • Searching for packages: zypper search package_name
  • Listing installed packages: zypper list-installed
  • Listing available updates: zypper list-updates

zypper also provides several options to manage the repositories, like adding, removing and refreshing the repositories.

zypper is a powerful command-line tool that provides many options for managing packages and repositories on a SUSE Linux system. It can be used to perform common package management tasks such as installing, removing, and updating packages, as well as more advanced tasks such as managing repositories and resolving dependencies.

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