showmount Command: Tutorial & Examplesx

The showmount command is used in Linux to display information about the NFS (Network File System) server's exported file systems. Specifically, it can list the clients that have mounted the file systems on an NFS server and the directories that are shared by the server. This command is useful for system administrators who need to manage and troubleshoot NFS shares.

How It Works

The showmount command interacts with the NFS Kernel module and queries the NFS server to retrieve information about shared directories and connected clients. When executed, it sends a request to the NFS server, which responds with the relevant data. Depending on the options used, showmount can display different types of information.

What It Is Used For

The showmount command is primarily used for:

  • Listing all the file systems exported by an NFS server.
  • Showing which hosts have mounted file systems from an NFS server.
  • Troubleshooting NFS mount issues by checking the status of NFS exports.

Why It Is Important

The showmount command is important because it provides a quick and easy way to gather information about NFS shares and their usage. This is essential for maintaining the integrity and performance of networked file systems. By using showmount, administrators can ensure that the correct file systems are being shared and accessed as intended, which is crucial for data consistency and network efficiency.

How To Use It and Common Command Line Parameters

Here's how you can use the showmount command, along with some common parameters:

  • List all NFS exports:

    showmount -e <NFS-server>


    showmount -e


    Export list for
  • List all clients mounting a particular directory:

    showmount -d <NFS-server>


    showmount -d


    All mount points on
  • List the clients connected to the NFS server:

    showmount -a <NFS-server>


    showmount -a


    All mount points on

Common Parameters

  • -e or --exports: Show the list of shared directories.
  • -d or --directories: Show directories that are currently mounted by clients.
  • -a or --all: Show all clients and their mounted directories.

Potential Problems and Pitfalls

While showmount is a powerful tool, there are a few potential issues and pitfalls to be aware of:

  • Permission Denied: You may encounter a permission error if you do not have the proper administrative rights to query the NFS server.
  • Network Issues: If there is a network issue, the command may fail to retrieve information.
  • NFS Server Not Running: If the NFS server is not running or is misconfigured, showmount will not be able to display the expected information.
  • Firewall Restrictions: Firewall settings may block the communication between the showmount command and the NFS server.

Example of a Permission Denied Error

showmount -e


    showmount: can't get export list for RPC: Remote system error - Permission denied

To resolve this, ensure you have the necessary permissions and that the NFS server allows the querying of its exports.


The showmount command is an essential tool for managing and troubleshooting NFS shares in a Linux environment. Understanding its usage and parameters can greatly assist in maintaining a healthy and efficient network file system. Whether you're listing exports, checking client connections, or troubleshooting issues, showmount provides the information you need to keep your NFS server running smoothly.

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