lsb_release Command: Tutorial & Examples

Display information about your Linux distribution

The lsb_release command is a handy tool in the Linux universe for displaying specific information about your Linux distribution. It stands for Linux Standard Base Release and provides important information about the Linux Kernel and distribution you are using.

This command is particularly useful when you need to know your system's distribution, version, codename, and description. For instance, if you are troubleshooting a network failure or high load issue, knowing the exact version of your operating system can be crucial in finding the right solution.

Typical Problems That Can Be Solved with lsb_release

Often, when trying to install software or when debugging system issues, you will need to know the exact version of your Linux distribution. The lsb_release command ensures you can get this information quickly and accurately.

For example, if you are trying to install a specific version of a software package that only runs on Ubuntu 18.04, using lsb_release will help you confirm that you are running the correct version of Ubuntu.

Examples of How to Use lsb_release

Here are a few examples of how to use the lsb_release command.

To display all information, enter:

lsb_release -a

The output might look something like this:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Release:    18.04
Codename:   bionic

To display only the description of the distribution, use:

lsb_release -d

The output will look something like this:

Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS


The lsb_release command is a valuable tool for any Linux user. It provides crucial information about your Linux system that can be helpful when installing software, debugging system issues, or when you simply want to know more about your system.

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