hexdump Command: Tutorial & Examples

The hexdump command is a powerful utility in Linux that allows you to display the contents of a file in both hexadecimal and ASCII format. It is particularly useful for inspecting binary files, debugging, and ensuring data integrity. By converting file data into a more readable format, hexdump can help you understand what's inside a file without necessarily needing to interpret raw binary data.

How It Works

The hexdump command reads the contents of a file or standard input and converts the binary data into a human-readable format. This transformation is done by representing the file's binary data as hexadecimal numbers and corresponding ASCII characters. Each byte of the file is translated into a two-digit hexadecimal number, making it easier to view, analyze, and debug binary data.

What It Is Used For

hexdump has a variety of applications, including:

  • Debugging: Inspect binary files for errors or anomalies.
  • Data Recovery: Examine corrupted files to attempt recovery.
  • Network Analysis: View raw network data and packet content.
  • Development: Inspect object files, binaries, and other compiled code.

Why It Is Important

Understanding the contents of binary files is crucial for many tasks in system administration, software development, and cybersecurity. The hexdump command provides a straightforward way to interpret this data, making it easier to identify issues, verify file integrity, and understand file structures.

How to Use It and Common Command Line Parameters

The hexdump command has several options that allow you to customize its output. Here are some of the most commonly used parameters:

  • -C: Display output in canonical hex+ASCII format.
  • -b: Display output in octal bytes.
  • -c: Display output in ASCII characters.
  • -n: Specify the number of bytes to display.
  • -s: Skip a specified number of bytes at the beginning.


  1. Basic Usage

    To display the contents of a file in hexadecimal format:

    hexdump filename

    Sample output:

    0000000 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 0a 000000c

  2. Canonical Hex+ASCII Format

    To display the contents in a more readable hex+ASCII format:

    hexdump -C filename

    Sample output:

    00000000 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 0a |Hello World.| 0000000c

  3. Octal Bytes

    To display the contents in octal bytes:

    hexdump -b filename

    Sample output:

    0000000 110 145 154 154 157 040 127 157 162 154 144 012 000000c

  4. Display a Specific Number of Bytes

    To display the first 8 bytes of a file:

    hexdump -n 8 filename

    Sample output:

    0000000 48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 57 6f 0000008

  5. Skip Bytes at the Beginning

    To skip the first 4 bytes and display the rest:

    hexdump -s 4 filename

    Sample output:

    0000004 6f 20 57 6f 72 6c 64 0a 000000c

Potential Problems and Pitfalls

While hexdump is a robust tool, there are a few potential issues to be aware of:

  • File Size: For very large files, the output can be overwhelming. Consider using the -n option to limit the number of bytes displayed.
  • Binary Data Misinterpretation: It's easy to misinterpret binary data if you're not familiar with hexadecimal and ASCII representations.
  • Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to read the file you are inspecting. Use sudo if required.

Typical Problems Solved by hexdump

  • Identifying Corruption: Quickly identify corrupted parts of a file by comparing the expected and actual hex values.
  • Debugging Network Issues: Inspect raw packet data to diagnose network issues.
  • Verifying File Integrity: Compare the hex dump of a file before and after transmission to ensure no data has been altered.

By mastering the hexdump command, you can gain valuable insights into your files, simplify debugging, and enhance your overall understanding of binary data in Linux systems.

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