curl Command: Tutorial & Examples

Transfer data to or from a server

The curl command is a Linux command used to transfer data from or to a server. It stands for "client for URLs," and it allows you to send HTTP, HTTPS, and other types of requests using a variety of different methods, such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. curl is often used to test APIs, download files from the web, or send data to a server.

Here is the basic syntax for the curl command:


This would send a GET request to the specified URL and display the response in the terminal.

You can use the -X option to specify the type of request that you want to send. For example:

curl -X POST

This would send a POST request to the specified URL.

You can use the -d option to send data with your request. For example:

curl -X POST -d "key=value"

This would send a POST request to the specified URL with the data "key=value" in the request body.

You can use the -o option to save the response to a file. For example:

curl -o file.txt

This would send a GET request to the specified URL and save the response to a file named file.txt.

There are many other options and features available with the curl command. You can learn more about curl by reading its documentation or by using the curl --help command.

CleverUptime uses curl to transmit data collected on your server to our analytics backend.

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