Standard Output: Explanation & Insights

What is Standard Output?

Standard Output, or STDOUT, is a fundamental concept in the Linux operating system, specifically in the shell environment. It is one of the three default "streams" available in Linux, the others being Standard Input (STDIN) and Standard Error (STDERR).

STDOUT is essentially the default destination where a program sends its output data. The output data of a program is usually text and by default, STDOUT is the terminal screen. However, it can be redirected to files, devices, or even to the input of other programs (via pipes).

For instance, when you run a command like ls, the list of files and directories it generates is sent to STDOUT.

Importance of Standard Output

Understanding STDOUT is critical for effectively using and navigating a Linux system. It allows users to control where the output of a command or program goes, which can be crucial for managing data, troubleshooting errors, and automating tasks.

Typical Problems & Difficulties

One common difficulty with STDOUT is its transient nature. By default, once the output is displayed on the terminal screen, it isn't saved anywhere. So, if you need to review the output later, you might find it challenging unless you have redirected it to a file or used a terminal multiplexer like screen or tmux.

Another issue is distinguishing between STDOUT and STDERR, as by default, both are displayed on the terminal screen. It can lead to confusion while debugging, as error messages (STDERR) and standard output (STDOUT) are shown together.

Linux Commands and STDOUT

Almost every Linux command you run interacts with STDOUT in some way. Here's how you can redirect STDOUT from the terminal to a file using the > operator:

$ ls > filelist.txt

This command will send the output of ls to a file named filelist.txt instead of the terminal screen.

Pipes and STDOUT

Pipes (|) in Linux are a powerful tool that lets you use the STDOUT of one command as the STDIN for another. This is known as "piping" the output.

For example, consider the following command:

$ ls | grep '.txt'

Here, the STDOUT of ls (the list of files and directories) is used as the STDIN for grep. Thus, grep searches the output of ls for lines containing '.txt'.

Practical Example

Let's look at a practical example of using STDOUT and pipes together:

$ ls -l /etc | grep 'drwx' | wc -l

This command does the following:

  1. Lists the contents of the /etc directory in long format (ls -l /etc).
  2. The output is piped to grep which filters out lines containing 'drwx' (directories).
  3. The output of grep is then piped to wc -l to count the number of such lines.

In other words, this command counts the number of directories in /etc.


Understanding STDOUT, how to redirect it, and how to use pipes can significantly enhance your productivity in the Linux environment. It allows you to manipulate data in flexible ways, interface different commands and scripts, and troubleshoot problems more effectively.

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