SPF: Explanation & Insights

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication system designed to prevent email spoofing. By establishing a specific policy of which mail servers are authorized to send mail for your domain, it helps to prevent unauthorized use of your domain in the 'From' address of email.

How SPF works

When an email is sent, the receiving server checks the domain of the 'From' address against the SPF record of the domain as listed in DNS. If the server sending the email is listed in the SPF record, the email is considered authorized. If not, the email is considered unauthorized.

This process is important in combating spam and phishing attempts, as it makes it harder for malicious senders to disguise their emails as coming from trusted domains.

Problems with SPF

Though SPF is a valuable tool in fighting email spoofing, it isn't without its difficulties. One common problem is the limitation on the number of DNS lookups that can be used in a single SPF record. If you exceed this limit, your SPF record will be considered invalid, which can result in legitimate emails being marked as spam.

Another issue is that SPF doesn't provide any protection against 'bounce-back' or 'backscatter' spam, where spam emails are bounced back to the 'From' address when the recipient address doesn't exist.

SPF and Linux

On your Linux server, you can check the SPF record of a domain using the dig command. For example:

dig TXT example.com

This will return the TXT records for the domain, which includes the SPF record.

You can also manually verify if an email would pass SPF by using the check command from the pyspf Python module, which can be installed via pip.

pip install pyspf
python -m spf check <ip-address> <sender-email> <helo-name>

Setting up SPF

To set up an SPF record for your domain, you need to add a TXT record to your domain's DNS settings. The content of the record will start with v=spf1, followed by a list of IP addresses or domain names that are authorized to send email for your domain, and ending with -all to indicate that no other servers are authorized.

For example, if you want to allow email from the IP address and from mail servers for the domain example.com, your SPF record would look like this:

v=spf1 ip4: include:example.com -all

Note that if you use a third-party email service, they will usually provide the necessary include statement to add to your SPF record.


SPF is a key tool in the fight against email spoofing and spam. Despite its limitations, it provides a powerful means of authenticating email and protecting your domain's reputation. By understanding how SPF works and how to set it up on your Linux server, you can take an important step in securing your email communications.

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