Firewall: Explanation & Insights

A firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. In essence, it's a barrier between a trusted network and an untrusted network. In the context of a Linux server, a firewall will typically manage connections to and from the internet, protecting your server from unwanted access.

Firewalls are crucial for maintaining the security of Linux servers, as they limit access to the server's services, preventing unauthorized users from exploiting vulnerabilities or conducting malicious activities.

Linux Firewalls: iptables and nftables

Linux has a built-in firewall system called iptables and its newer incarnation, nftables (or nft for short). Both are used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.

iptables was the standard firewall solution for Linux systems. It's a powerful tool that can be used to configure specific rules for packet filtering and NAT (Network Address Translation). However, it has its downsides - it's complex and difficult for beginners to use, and its syntax can be quite confusing.

The newer nftables, on the other hand, was designed to replace iptables. nft provides a simpler, more consistent syntax and includes several improvements over iptables, including better performance and more advanced features. It is the recommended firewall solution for modern Linux systems.

Setting Up a Basic Firewall with nftables

To set up a basic nft firewall, you first need to install the nftables package. This can be done with the following command:

sudo apt install nftables

Once installed, you can start defining rules. A very basic rule to accept incoming SSH connections would look like this:

sudo nft add rule ip filter INPUT tcp dport 22 accept

This command tells nft to add a rule to the filter table of the ip family. The rule matches incoming (INPUT) TCP packets destined for port 22 (the default SSH port), and the accept action tells nft to let the packet through.

Troubleshooting Firewall Issues

Firewall issues can be tricky to diagnose. They can cause a variety of problems, such as blocked connections or services becoming unavailable.

One common issue is that a firewall rule is blocking a connection that it shouldn't. To troubleshoot this, you can list all active firewall rules with the following command:

sudo nft list ruleset

Look for any rules that could be blocking the connection. If you find one, you can delete it using the following command (replace <rule> with the actual rule):

sudo nft delete rule ip filter INPUT <rule>

Remember, always be careful when modifying firewall rules, as incorrect rules can leave your server vulnerable or cause services to become unavailable.

Practical Examples

To make it easier to understand, let's look at some practical examples of nft usage.

  1. To allow all incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic, you can use the following commands:

    sudo nft add rule ip filter INPUT tcp dport {http, https} accept

  2. To block all incoming traffic from a specific IP address, you can use the following command (replace <IP> with the actual IP address):

    sudo nft add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr drop

  3. To allow all outgoing traffic, you can use the following command:

    sudo nft add rule ip filter OUTPUT counter accept

Remember, the {} brackets allow you to specify multiple options in a single command, and the counter keyword is used to keep track of the number of packets and bytes that match the rule.


Firewalls are an essential part of any Linux server security setup. With tools like iptables and nft, you can define precise rules for what traffic is allowed to and from your server, helping to keep your server safe from unwanted access. While nft is the newer and recommended tool, it's important to understand how both work, as some older systems may still use iptables.

Remember, always be careful when modifying firewall rules, as incorrect rules can leave your server vulnerable or disrupt its operation.

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