Device Busy: Diagnostics & Troubleshooting

The "Device or resource busy" error on a Linux server indicates that a particular file or directory you're trying to modify is currently being used by a process or application. This error typically arises when you're trying to unmount a filesystem, remove a directory, or perform an operation on a file that's in use.

Causes of the Problem

There are several reasons why you might encounter this error:

  1. An application is actively using a file or directory you're trying to modify. This could be a text editor that has a file open, a database that's using a directory, or a shell that's set to a particular directory.
  2. A running process is using a device you're trying to unmount, such as a filesystem or a USB device.
  3. A kernel module is using a device, preventing you from unmounting it.

Diagnosing the Problem

To diagnose this problem, you need to identify which process or application is using the file, directory, or device. There are several commands that can help with this, including lsof and fuser.

Here's an example of how you might use lsof to find out which processes are using a particular directory:

lsof /path/to/directory

And here's an example of using fuser to find out which processes are using a particular device:

sudo fuser /dev/sda1

Troubleshooting the Problem

Once you've identified the offending process or application, you can take steps to resolve the problem.

If an application is using a file or directory, try closing the application or stopping the process. If a shell is set to a directory you're trying to remove, you can use the cd command to change to a different directory.

If a running process is using a device you're trying to unmount, you can use the kill command to stop the process.

If a kernel module is using a device, you can use the rmmod command to remove the module.

Preventing the Problem

To prevent this problem in the future, try to ensure that files, directories, and devices aren't in use before you attempt to modify them. Use commands like lsof and fuser to check for active usage, and be mindful of which applications and processes are running on your server.


The "Device or resource busy" error is a common problem on Linux servers, but it can be diagnosed and resolved with a bit of know-how. By understanding the causes, using diagnostic tools like lsof and fuser, and taking appropriate troubleshooting steps, you can keep your server running smoothly.

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