sleep Command: Tutorial & Examples

Wait for a specified amount of time

sleep is a simple yet powerful shell command in Linux. It is used to delay for a specified amount of time during its execution, essentially pausing the command for the given period. The sleep command is typically used in scripts and can be very helpful when a delay is needed for synchronization purposes or to control the execution flow of scripts.

How sleep Command Works

The sleep command works by making the calling process sleep either until the specified amount of time has elapsed or a signal is delivered. It is a part of the GNU core utilities package which is installed on almost all Linux systems. The time unit can be defined in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), or days (d).

Importance of sleep Command

The sleep command is crucial in instances where certain operations require a defined delay before execution. For example, when running scripts that interact with the system or other scripts, it might be necessary to wait for a resource to be available or a process to complete before proceeding.

Typical Problems Solved by sleep

A classic problem solved by sleep is the synchronization of different processes in a shell script. For instance, if you have a script that needs to ensure a certain file is fully written before it starts processing it, you might use sleep to pause the script, giving the write operation enough time to complete.

Examples of sleep Command

Here are some examples that demonstrate the use of sleep command:

  1. To sleep for 5 seconds:

    sleep 5
  2. To sleep for 2 minutes:

    sleep 2m
  3. To sleep for 1 hour:

    sleep 1h

Common Parameters of sleep Command

The sleep command accepts the following parameters:

  • s for seconds
  • m for minutes
  • h for hours
  • d for days

For example, to sleep for 2 days, you would use:

sleep 2d

Typical Output

The sleep command does not produce any output. After the specified time has elapsed, the command execution continues to the next line. For instance, if you run:

echo "Start"
sleep 5
echo "End"

You will see:

(after 5 seconds)

This is a simple illustration of how sleep can create a delay in the flow of script execution.


The sleep command is a very useful utility in the Linux shell that allows you to introduce intentional delays in your scripts. Whether you're trying to synchronize processes, wait for resources, or simply control the flow of your script, sleep has got you covered. Just remember to use it wisely to avoid unnecessary delays.

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