sha256sum Command: Tutorial & Examples

The sha256sum command is a cryptography tool that Linux users can use to validate the integrity of files. It is part of the core utilities package in Linux distributions and is essential for anyone managing a Linux server or virtual machine.

What it Does

The sha256sum command is used to compute and check the SHA-256 checksum. It works by taking input (usually a file) and produces a 256-bit (32-byte) hash value that is unique to the input. This hash value is often used for file integrity check, as a small change in input will drastically change the hash value.

How it Works

The sha256sum command processes input data in blocks, each of which is 512 bits in size. It uses a complex mathematical algorithm to produce a hash value from these blocks. This hash value is virtually unique; the chances of two different inputs producing the same hash value (a collision) are astronomically low.

Why it is Important

When you download a file, especially a crucial system file or a software package, it's essential to confirm that the file has not been tampered with. Using the sha256sum command, you can compare the hash value of the downloaded file with the expected hash value provided by the file source. If any alteration has occurred during file transmission, the hash values will not match, indicating a potential issue.

How to Use it

Here is a basic example of how to use the sha256sum command:

sha256sum file.txt

This command will output the SHA-256 hash of file.txt. The output will look something like this:

6dcd4ce23d88e2ee95838f7b014b6284ff4db0d1a671207a2b8b2c5b0cdb25a4  file.txt

You can also check the integrity of a file against a known SHA-256 hash with the -c or --check option:

echo "6dcd4ce23d88e2ee95838f7b014b6284ff4db0d1a671207a2b8b2c5b0cdb25a4 file.txt" | sha256sum --check

The above command will output:

file.txt: OK

Common Command Parameters

  • -b, --binary: read in binary mode
  • -c, --check: read SHA256 sums from the FILEs and check them
  • -t, --text: read in text mode (default)

Potential Problems and Pitfalls

One potential pitfall is that the sha256sum command is not designed to handle extremely large files or data streams effectively. It might consume excessive system resources when dealing with large data sets.

Another potential problem is that if an attacker has the ability to modify files, they might also be able to modify the SHA-256 hash value that you're using for verification. Therefore, sha256sum should not be used as the only line of defence for system or data integrity.


Whether you're a system administrator managing a Linux server or a developer working in a Linux environment, understanding how to use the sha256sum command can be an invaluable skill. It helps ensure that the files you work with are exactly what they're supposed to be, providing a first line of defence against data corruption, tampering, and other issues.

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