python Command: Tutorial & Examples

Run Python scripts

The python command is used to execute Python scripts in a shell. It can be used to launch a Python interactive console, or to run a Python script from a file. It is a high-level, interpreted, interactive, and object-oriented programming language.

How The python Command Works

The python command works by calling the Python interpreter to execute a Python script. When you type python followed by the name of a Python script at the command line, the Python interpreter reads and interprets the script, then performs the actions defined in the script.

What The python Command Is Used For

The python command is used to run Python scripts, which can range from simple scripts to automate tasks on a server, to complex applications. Python is often used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more. Therefore, the python command is essential for running applications and services that are written in Python.

Why The python Command Is Important

Python is one of the most popular programming languages because of its simplicity and versatility. The python command is the gateway to running Python scripts and applications on a Linux server, making it a vital command for many server administrators and developers.

How To Use The python Command

To use the python command, simply type python at the command line, followed by the name of the Python script you want to run. For example:


This will run the script with the Python interpreter.

You can also start an interactive Python console by simply typing python at the command line with no arguments:


This will start a Python interactive console, where you can type Python code directly.

Common Command Line Parameters For python

There are several command line parameters that can be used with the python command:

  • -V or --version: Display the Python version number and exit.
  • -c command: Execute the Python code in command.
  • -m module: Run the library module as a script.

For example, to print the Python version, you could run:

python -V

And to run a library module as a script, you could run:

python -m http.server

Potential Problems And Pitfalls With The python Command

One potential issue with the python command is that there are two major versions of Python in use: Python 2 and Python 3. Some scripts written for Python 2 will not work correctly with Python 3, and vice versa.

Therefore, you might need to specify the version of Python you want to use when running a script. You can do this by using python2 or python3 instead of just python. For example:


Another common problem is getting a FileNotFoundError when trying to run a script. This usually means that the script does not exist at the location you specified. Make sure you're in the correct directory and that the script name is spelled correctly.

In conclusion, the python command is a powerful tool for running Python scripts and applications on a Linux server. With its help, you can automate tasks, run web applications, and much more. Understanding how to use it effectively is an important skill for any Linux user.

Further Reading

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