nohup Command: Tutorial & Examples

The nohup command is a crucial tool in the Linux system. It stands for "no hang up". This command allows you to run a process in the background of your shell even after the shell has been closed. This is particularly useful when you're running processes that take a long time to complete and you want to close the terminal or session without interrupting the process.

How nohup works

When you execute a command or a process in Linux, it gets attached to the specific terminal session. If the terminal session is closed or terminated for any reason, the process also gets terminated. The nohup command prevents this from happening by ignoring the HUP (HangUP) signal, ensuring that the process continues to run even after the terminal is closed.

This is especially useful for running long scripts or processes on a remote server, where the process needs to keep running even if the connection to the server is lost.

Using the nohup command

Using nohup is quite straightforward. The basic syntax is:

 nohup command-to-be-run &

The & at the end of the command is necessary to run the process in the background. The command will keep running even after the terminal is closed.

For example, if you have a script called that you want to run in the background, you would use:

 nohup ./ &

When nohup is executed, a file named nohup.out is created in the current directory, where the output of the command will be written. If the file already exists, the output will be appended to it.

Common scenarios and examples

One common use case of nohup is when you're running a big data analysis task on a remote server. You start the task in the morning, but you don't want to leave your computer running all day just to keep the SSH connection to the server. Here's how you would use nohup in this case:

 nohup big-data-analysis &

Another example could be a backup job that needs to run for several hours. You can start the backup job in a nohup session before leaving work, and it will keep running even after you log out:

 nohup backup-job &

Potential problems with nohup

While nohup is a powerful command, there are some potential pitfalls to be aware of.

  • If you forget to add the & at the end of the command, the process will not run in the background, and it will still be terminated when the terminal is closed.
  • The nohup command does not automatically put the process in the background. If you forget to add the &, the process will continue to use the terminal, and you won't be able to input any other commands until it's finished.
  • Another potential problem is with the nohup.out file. If you run multiple nohup commands in the same directory without specifying a different output file, the output of all these commands will be mixed together in nohup.out.


The nohup command is a powerful tool for running processes in the background in a Linux system. It allows processes to continue running even after the terminal session has been closed, which can be very useful for long-running tasks. However, it's important to remember to use the & symbol to ensure the process runs in the background, and to be aware of potential issues with the output file.

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