lspci Command: Tutorial & Examples

List PCI devices

The lspci command is used to display information about the PCI buses and devices in a Linux system. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is a standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, such as network cards, sound cards, and graphics cards. The lspci command is used to list the PCI devices that are connected to the system, including the vendor, device, and subsystem information.

To list all the PCI devices in the system, use the command lspci without any parameters. The output will show the vendor, device and subsystem information of the devices connected to the system. The lspci command reads the /proc/bus/pci directory, which contains a list of all the PCI devices that are connected to the system.

The command can also be used with options like -vv to show more detailed information about the devices, -t to display the devices in a tree-like format, -v to show the verbose output and -nn to show the vendor and device codes in hexadecimal.

It's worth noting that the lspci command is part of the pciutils package and it may not be available by default on all Linux distributions, so you may need to install it first.

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