cut Command: Tutorial & Examples

Extract fields or columns from a file

The cut command is a Unix and Linux command used to extract specific fields or columns from a file. It allows you to extract and display a specific range of characters or fields from a file or standard input.

Here is the basic syntax for the cut command:

cut -f field_list [-d delimiter] [-s] [file]

Here, field_list is a list of fields or columns that you want to extract, separated by commas. The -d option allows you to specify a delimiter character, such as a tab or a comma, to use when dividing the input into fields. The -s option tells cut to only print lines that contain the delimiter character. file is the name of the file that you want to extract fields from. If no file is specified, cut will read from standard input.

For example, suppose you have a file named data.txt with the following contents:

John Doe,42,New York
Jane Smith,37,Chicago

You could use the following command to extract the first field (the name) from each line:

cut -f 1 -d , data.txt

This would output the following:

John Doe
Jane Smith

You can specify a range of fields using a dash. For example, the following command would extract the first and second fields from each line:

cut -f 1-2 -d , data.txt

This would output the following:

John Doe,42
Jane Smith,37

Note that cut works with fixed-width fields as well as delimiter-separated fields. You can specify the starting and ending positions of the fields that you want to extract using the -c option instead of the -f option.

There are many other options and features available with the cut command. You can learn more about cut by reading its documentation or by using the cut --help command.

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